Student Handbook
Please see sections below for information regarding general student and classroom policies/expectations. We encourage you to also reach out to your student's teacher(s) for more details or if you have any questions.
- Classroom Celebrations
- Curriculum Nights
- Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- Lost & Found
- Parent/Teacher Communication
- Progress Reports & Report Cards
- Safety Drills
- School Supplies
- Student Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
- Student Conduct
- Student Placement Procedures
- Technology & Network Acceptable Use
- Toy Policy
- Volunteers and Visitors
- Weapons Policy
Classroom Celebrations
Every classroom is unique in terms of the items that are approved to be brought in for classroom celebrations because each room has to take into account student needs, allergies, etc... During Curriculum Night, teachers will share a plan for classroom celebrations. If you need the information prior to that night, please email your students' teachers.
Please do not send balloon bouquets to school – they are not allowed on buses and cause distraction in the classroom. Invitations for after school birthday celebrations should not be distributed at school.
Curriculum Nights
Teachers will share expectations, standards, goals, plans, and curriculum for the coming school year at Curriculum Night. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend these informative meetings. These events typically occur in September during the first few weeks of school. Dates will be announced and added to the school calendar on the website.
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
The Northshore School District strives to provide students with optimal conditions for learning by maintaining a school environment where everyone is treated with respect and no one is physically or emotionally harmed.
In order to ensure respect and prevent harm, it is a violation of district policy for a student to be harassed, intimidated, bullied or cyber bullied by others in the school community, at school sponsored events, or when such actions create a substantial disruption to the educational process. The school community includes all students, school employees, school board members, contractors, unpaid volunteers, families, patrons, and other visitors. Harassment because of a student’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics is prohibited Incidents of bullying, intimidation, or harassment may be reported orally or in writing to any staff member.
For more information or if you have been a victim of Harassment, Intimdation or Bullying, please visit the district site related to this topic to find a form and return it to the Main Office at Moorlands.
Lost & Found
Items found at school are taken to the rack in front of the gym or to the main office. The rack will be outside of the gym around 8:30 a.m., throughout the school day and for about 30 minutes after school lets out. Check the rack frequently for any lost items.
Please help to minimize lost items by labeling all of your child’s clothing. Donations are made throughout the school year.
Parent/Teacher Communication
Effective communication between school and home contributes to quality education for students. Every effort is made at Moorlands to keep you well informed about school procedures, policies and events, as well as the progress of your student throughout the year. We welcome your efforts as well to keep us informed of your students’ needs and any concerns you may have.
The district and school utilize multiple tools to communicate with our families and community. Please reference the ParentSquare information page for more details about how to get looped into those notifications.
Progress Reports & Report Cards
The school year is divided into quarters and semesters. The first reporting period is in November. Parent/Teacher conferences will held in late November.
At the end of the first quarter, a progress report will be available online on ParentVue. If you do not have access to ParentVue yet, please call our main office at (425) 408-5100. At the end of the third quarter, you might also receive a progress report. Check with your student's teacher(s) to determine the policy in that particular classroom.
At the end of the first semester and end of the year, report cards are issued to students. These will also be made available via ParentVue.
We encourage parents to contact the teacher if they have a concern about their child’s progress at any time.
Safety Drills
Procedures for orderly evacuation in case of fire, earthquake and/or a lock-down are taught and drills are held throughout the year.
These drills can be distressing for children and our staff will do everything they can to minimize the anxiety these situations can cause. Whenever possible, students are notified well in advance of these drills occurring.
In the rare event of a parent-student reunification scenario, parents should wait for communication from the district that will provide details on where they should go to pick up their student. Please do not head straight to the school as we might need to leave access to the school open for safety personnel.
School Supplies
School supplies are requested but not required per grade. A list of recommended supplies will be made available on the school website prior to the start of the next school year.
Teachers may request additional supplies for their individual classrooms and you can check with your student throughout the year to replenish supplies as needed.
Student Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Students are not to use personal cell phones or other electronic devices throughout the school day. If you need to reach your student during the day, please do not text them as it is a distraction to both them and the classroom.
We understand that some students might bring them to campus to communicate with parents after school, but we request that you communicate to your child that they are not to be brought out or used during school hours and that they can come to the office to use the phones in there if they need to reach a parent during the day.
Students should also not bring personal laptops to school unless previously approved. The district provides a laptop or iPad to each student (depending on grade) to use for classroom work during the school day. Personal laptops should stay at home where they are safest.
Student Conduct
Moorlands follows NSD School Board policy with regard to behavioral expectations and discipline procedures designed to ensure a safe, respectful learning environment for all students.
Moorlands PRIDE is the acronym used to highlight the five behaviors Moorlands Mustangs exhibit to support their success at school: respectful, caring, responsible, ready to learn, and safe.
Student Placement Procedures
At the end of May, the principal meets with teachers to begin class formations for the next school year. Factors such as academic abilities, behavior, and social mixes are considered. Students are grouped carefully to create balanced classes.
Parent input may be given on our Parent Input form in late May. Parent input is considered and we appreciate your trust and support in the placement decision for your child.
Technology & Network Acceptable Use
Technology is an important part of our students' every day lives both inside and outside the classroom. The district provides technology for students to use for educational purposes throughout the day and expect that they follow the School Board's Procedures regarding responsible usage of this equipment. Please read more about Digital Citizenship policies on our district site.
Toy Policy
The general rule of thumb at Moorlands is that students are not to bring toys from home. Personal toys are cherished items and we want to avoid them getting lost, broken or stolen if they are brought to the school.
That said, classrooms will sometimes allow them for special rewards or celebrations and teachers will communicate that with families when appropriate. Please check with your student's teacher if you have any questions regarding this rule.
Volunteers and Visitors
Visitors to the school (for volunteering, visits, meetings, etc...) MUST first check in at the main office before heading anywhere on campus. For the safety of our students, there is no exception to this rule.
Visitors will need to sign in and get a visitor badge or sticker so students and staff around the school know they have been approved to move around the school.
If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the Volunteer page to read more about the steps and process you need to follow to get approved.
Weapons Policy
Northshore schools continue to be among the safest schools in the state. However, all of us in the community must work together to ensure that our schools remain safe. It is unfortunate that firearms and dangerous weapons threaten the safety of children and youth. To address this issue consistent with recent state and federal legislation, Northshore has adopted school board policy concerning the Regulation of Dangerous Weapons and procedures concerning weapons in the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Concerning Student Conduct.
Under the law (RCW 9.41.280) *, it is a gross misdemeanor for any person (student, staff, parent or patron) to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon onto school property, including school buses, school and non-school facilities being used for school activities. It is illegal for any student or non-student under 18 years of age to have a weapon on campus, regardless of whether the weapon is in a locked vehicle and the owner has the proper permits. The law also requires that schools have signs prohibiting the presence of guns. Northshore’s schools have signs stating that schools are gun and drug free zones.
It is very important that students and parents understand the consequences of violating this law and district policy. A weapons violation may constitute grounds for immediate expulsion from the district subject to due process and the right to appeal. If a student brings a firearm to school, legislation provides that the student be expelled from the state’s public schools for one year. If a dangerous weapon other than a firearm is involved, a student may also be suspended.
Objects used as a weapon or that look like weapons, such as toy guns or knives, may be treated in the same manner as real weapons. School officials must notify law enforcement of a weapons violation. Other school districts may refuse to admit students expelled for such an offense. The law and district policy is presented in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook Concerning Student Conduct in the Behavioral Violations section on Weapons.