Report an Absence

Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. It is important that you let the office know whenever your student will be absent from school.

Please report your child's absence (full day OR late arrival) and reason for absence before 9:15 a.m.  

Call Attendance Line

Email Moorlands Office

Report Absence through ParentVue

Absences not excused within 2 weeks of the absence are automatically considered "unexcused." This status cannot be changed after this 2 week period.

Pre-arranged Absence for 5+ Days

When families have plans that will take their student away from school for more than 5 consecutive days, a Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form needs to be filled out. You can access a copy of this form Absence Form 5+ days or request a copy from the office.   Please note this replaces the prior 3+ absence form.  

District Devices are not accessible outside the US and will not work unless you get express permission.  When submitting the form above, if you are leaving the US, please make note if you would like to use the student's device so we can put a ticket in to enable access.

For planned vacations, we realize circumstances arise that requires families to pull students from school. Teachers will not be expected to accommodate requests for extra work to account for missed work due to family vacations.



Torre Houde 

Phone Number

Select option 2 to leave a message on our attendance line
