Head Lice
From time to time we discover head lice on students during the school day. The best way to prevent head lice is to check your child regularly, at least monthly. For years school districts had a practice of excluding children from school immediately when lice or nits were discovered. We now know that parent and community education is what helps prevent the spread of head lice. At school we instruct students not to share hats, combs or other hair accessories. At home consider asking the same of playmates, daycare, friends and family, and others your child is in contact with. At sleepovers, children should be reminded not to share pillows and sleeping bags.
If your child has head lice please inform your school's nurse. Once your student has been treated, please send them to school. We ask that you check in with the nurse on returning to school before going to class. The removal of nits (eggs) should be done daily for at least two weeks and until you are certain the lice and nits are eliminated. We can go over how to do this if needed. For more detailed information, including steps to remove, please visit the Washington State Department of Health website.
Please remember, head lice are “equal opportunity pests”. They are in no way a reflection of a family’s living situation, habits, or hygiene. Children and adults are not at risk of disease from lice. They do cause inconvenience, but with vigilance and persistence, they can be eliminated from your home and from the school environment.