Happy October!
October is Bullying Prevention Month. As we know, bullying has adverse effects on everyone involved-those who bully, those who are bullied, and bystanders. This month I will begin delivering monthly guidance lessons to all classes. Grades K-2 will learn problem solving skills to solve their own conflicts based on Kelso’s Choice curriculum. For grades 3-5, the focus will be on Bullying Prevention using the Second Step curriculum.
There are many misconceptions about what bullying is. For something to be considered as bullying, it should meet four criteria. First, the behavior must be intentional – bullying does not happen accidentally. Second, the behavior is intended to cause harm or hurt. Third, the behavior is repetitive. It happens over and over again. Lastly, the behavior is one-sided, meaning that only the person or party doing the bullying is engaged in the hurtful behavior. If both parties are doing hurtful behaviors, it is considered a conflict, not bullying.
To proactively help your child, please continue to bring this conversation home and talk with them about bullying throughout the year. If they can identify bullying when it happens, it will be easier to tell an adult or stand up for themselves and others. Stay tuned for next week when I will provide you with specific tips and resources to facilitate the conversation.
October Educational and Health Awareness Dates:
ADHD Awareness Month
Bullying Prevention Month
Communicate with Your Kids Month
Computer Learning Month
Crime Prevention Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Health Literacy Month
LGBT History Month
Meet the Blind Month
National Book Month
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month
Positive Attitude Month
This week:
October 1 International Day for Older Persons
October 2-8 Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 3 Child Health Day
October 3 World Habitat Day
October 5 World Teacher’s Day
October 5 Walk to School Day
October 6 National Depression Screening Day
October 7 World Smile Day
Have a great week!
Ms. Gerlinger aka Ms. G