Mustang Memo - 4/21/23
Happy Friday Mustangs~
As the 2022-2023 school year starts to wind down, we wanted to make sure you are aware of all the happenings.
This year we will NOT be hosting an all school picnic. This was a decision made by the Moorlands Building Leadership Team composed of 10 staff members who represent the entire Moorlands staff. This decision was based on equity for all of our students and families.
Smarter Balanced Assessments will be starting on Monday, April 24th. Take a look at the testing schedule here. Students should bring wired headphones and a fully charged computer to school on testing days. Please have your student be at school on time for testing days; if students are late they will have to take that day's test on a make-up day.
This coming week is Science Extravaganza week . . . please ask your student(s) what they have learned throughout the week.
Field Day will be June 9th, more information to come.
In partnership,
Meghan Griffin, Principal (
LaTisha Joseph, Assistant Principal (
Dates to Remember
April 24 - May 26: Smarter Balanced Assessment for grades 3-5 (Testing Schedule)
April 24 - 28: Science Extravaganza Week
April 25: Mustang Choirs (Grades 3, 4, 5) Season Finale concert; Northshore Concert Hall at Inglemoor High School at 7 pm
April 27: Mustang Choir Season Finale Concert 7 - 7:30pm
April 28: Popcorn Friday
May 1 - 5: Moorlands Food Drive (presented by McDonald’s 2nd grade class)
May 1 - 6: 1st Grade Spring Concert 6:30 - 7pm; 2nd Grade Spring Concert 7:30 - 8pm
May 29: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
June 19: Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL
June 20: Last day of school for 2022-2023
2022-23 School Calendar and Hours
You can view the 2022-23 one page calendar here
Moorlands Elementary school hours for 2022-2023 are 9:15am-3:45pm
Early dismissal Wednesdays 9:15am-2:15pm
New Information
- Smarter Balanced Testing Starting 4/24
- Moorlands Food Drive - Presented by Mrs. McDonald's 2nd Grade Class
- Yearbook Purchases are OPEN!
- Tech News
- Play Moor Week
- IMPORTANT Patrol Message
- Moorlands Track & Field
- News from the Library
- Plant Sale
- Counselor's Corner
- Music at Moorlands
- COVID Update