Mustang Memo - 11/11/22

Happy Friday Mustangs~

Today we celebrated Veterans Day during our first assembly since 2019.  It was wonderful to see everyone together celebrating those who served and continue to serve our country and unselfishly placed their lives on the line for our freedom.  To all those who, despite the risk and sacrifice, raised their hand to serve and defend this country – our veterans, active-duty service members, guardsmen, and reservists, thank you.  Your service has helped keep our country and its citizens safe and free.  

A quick note, starting in December the Mustang Memo will move to the first and third Friday of the month.  You will continue to receive weekly emails with Moorlands COVID cases.

Meghan Griffin, Principal (
LaTisha Joseph, Assistant Principal (

Dates to Remember

  • November 11 - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL

  • November 14 - Reflections Entries Due

  • November 15 - Picture Retakes

  • November 17-23 - Elementary Conferences: School ends at 12:25pm

  • November 18 - January 8, 2023 - PTA Fundraising opportunity starts at Bellevue Downtown Ice Rink!

  • November 24-25 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL

  • December 3 - Math Challenge Tournament

  • December 10 - Make-It-Take-It

  • December 19 - January 2, 2023 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL

  • March 17 - Moorlands Dance-A-Thon

2022-23 School Calendar and Hours

  • You can view the 2022-23 one page calendar here 

  • Moorlands Elementary school hours for 2022-2023 are 9:15am-3:45pm

  • Early dismissal Wednesdays 9:15am-2:15pm

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Old Information