Mustang Memo - 8/19/22
Happy Friday Mustangs~
I hope this message finds you well as we count down the days to the start of the 2022-23 school year. Class placement letters were mailed today. Please know that all our teachers at Moorlands are fabulous and class placements are carefully considered in a multistep process that includes input from your child’s previous teacher.
This weekend is our annual Community Serve. Please join us from 9-1pm at Moorlands to help beautify our school grounds and support teachers in setting up for the year. There will be church service on Sunday; therefore please park in the parking lots at Moorlands, along the street, or walk if you are close enough.
Don’t forget to join Moorlands PTA at If you were a member last year, you'll need to RENEW your membership each year. The cost is $20 for the first adult (i.e. Parent/Guardian #1) and $10 for additional adults (i.e. spouse, grandparents, etc.) Your PTA membership funds classroom grants, school events like assemblies, field trips, PE Equipment, online subscriptions, and fun community events. You can volunteer as a member of PTA, but volunteering is not required! If the cost of membership is a hardship for your family, we have scholarships! Please contact us at to request financial assistance.
Please take a look at the dates to remember section below and mark your calendars for all the upcoming events!
Until next week,
Meghan Griffin, Principal (
LaTisha Joseph, Assistant Principal (
Dates to Remember
August 19 - Classroom placements mailed to families
August 21 - Community Serve Day @ Moorlands Elementary School @ 9-1pm
August 22 - Safety Patrol Crossing Guard Academy @ Canyon Park Middle School - see details belo
- August 25 - Meet & Greet
Last name A-L: 4:00-4:30pm
- Last name M-Z: 4:30-5:00pm
PTA Back to School Fair: 4:00-6:00pm
- August 27 -
- PTA Movie Night - Trolls World Tour @ Moorlands Park 7-10pm
Northshore Schools Foundation Backpack & School Supplies pick up @ Pop Keeney Stadium - see details below
August 31 - First Day of School for grades 1 - 5
September 6 - First day of school for Kindergarten Last Name A-L
September 7 - First day of school for Kindergarten Last name M-Z
- September 20 - Curriculum Night K-2:
- K/1 at 6:00pm
- 2 at 6:45pm (meeting in the gym for the first 15 minutes)
- September 27 - Curriculum Night, 3-5:
- 3/4 at 6:00pm
- 5 at 6:45pm (meeting in the gym for the first 15 minutes)
2022-23 School Calendar and Hours
You can view the 2022-23 one page calendar here
Moorlands Elementary school hours for 2022-2023 are 9:15am-3:45pm
Early dismissal Wednesdays 9:15am-2:15pm
Moorlands School Supplies List
Moorlands Start of the Year Fact Sheet
Community Serve - August 21
Community Serve Day is an event where local churches, schools, nonprofits and businesses come together for our community. For one day, we all set aside our regular Sunday activities to help our schools prepare for the coming year by helping set up classrooms, making improvements to the campuses and more. Please register below to serve the Moorlands Mustang community on August 21.
Moorlands Community Serve Registration
Moorlands PTA Movie Night
Start your year off right with Outdoor Movie Night presented by your Moorlands PTA. Please join us on Saturday, August 27 from 7:00-10:00pm. The movie will start promptly at 8:00pm. Bring your blankets, low chairs, and cozy duds to watch Trolls: World Tour on the Moorlands Park baseball field. Please note the event is weather dependent.
Notes from the Nurse
If your child needs to take medication during school hours next year, please have your healthcare provider complete a Medication Authorization Form dated after August 1st for the 2022-23 school year.
Bring the completed Medication Authorization Form and medication in original container with the pharmacy label August 24th- 30th (8:30-4pm).
Students who have Life-Threatening Conditions will need to make plans over the summer to have emergency medications with physician’s orders at school and ready before the first day of school. Letters will be sent home in June for those students who currently have Emergency Care Plans in place and will include all necessary forms to be completed for next fall. Please contact the school nurse if you need assistance with forms or have questions.
For complete vaccine requirement information go to:
The Health Room will be open starting August 24th (non-student days) and the School Nurse will be available for drop off of medications, physician orders, and review of Emergency Care Plans for students with Life Threatening Conditions. For scheduling, please call 425-408-5106 or email Medication orders may also be faxed to 425-408-5102, Attention: School Nurse.
2022-2023 Patrol Students
The Northshore School District will be conducting a School Crossing Guard Academy. It is recommended that all students interested in becoming a Crossing Guard attend one of these two hour training sessions prior to accepting the position of School Crossing Guard.
Where: Canyon Park MS in the Theater located next to the Cafeteria. Canyon Park MS is located at 23723 23rd AVE SE Bothell, WA.
When: Aug. 22nd (Mon.) 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. & Aug. 22nd (Mon.) 12:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.
What: Students need only to attend one of the two-hour classes. Same day registration will be at the door, prior to the start of each class.
Northshore Schools Foundation Backpack & School Supplies
The Northshore Schools Foundation is here to help you! If you are experiencing financial limitations, the Foundation would like to provide your Northshore student with a backpack and school supply kit for the 2022-2023 school year.
The school supplies will be for use while your student is studying at home, these supplies are not intended to be shared in the classroom environment. If your school has additional requests for supplies, those items are what you should use your resources to purchase.
Backpacks and supply kits will be available for pick-up at our distribution event held on August 27 at Pop Keeney. If you provide us with an email, we will update you when the details become available. Backpacks will be available for pick up at your designated school. (These backpacks are for students that have NOT received a backpack from their school or the Foundation in the last 18 months. Thank you for your understanding.)
At this time we are only able to provide backpacks and school supply kits to students enrolled in the Northshore School District, and enrollment will be verified. If you have more than 5 students to register, please complete an additional entry.
Kindergarten Registration for 2022-2023 is OPEN
We are excited to welcome our new Kindergarteners for the 2022-23 school year! Please click on for more details about the registration process!