Arrival & Dismissal

For students' safety, students may arrive no earlier than 9:00 a.m. as there is no supervision prior to that time. 

ONLY use the designated student drop-off/pick-up areas.  We all want the children to be safe walking to and from campus.  Deviating from this practice creates safety concerns. Please do not park in the neighborhood or have your child cross without our crossing guards and DO NOT walk between busses.

Car Riders Drop Off and Pickup

This is an area that is monitored by staff and safety patrol that provides a safe, systematic and efficient flow of students arriving and leaving school. It is located at the Romanian Pentecostal Church parking lot, located on 155 th Street (between 81 st and 84 th ). Students arriving and departing school in a car use this area.

Drivers should:

● Enter by turning right on 155th (there is NO left turn from 155th)
● Follow the orange cone path
● Remain in car at all times
● Post sign with student(s) name and grade in the passenger side window
● Follow adult and patrol student directions
● Students should enter and exit from passenger side only
● Teach your child independence using booster seats, seat belts, and backpacks for quick exit and entry into car (if you need extra time please pull forward and park in a stall)

Bus Riders

If your student takes the bus home, they will receive instructions from their teacher on where to line up at the end of the day. Please remind them to follow all instructions from teachers and safety patrol at the school to ensure their safety and that they make it onto the right bus. 

Remember that Kindergarten students need to be picked up at the bus drop off location for your neighborhood. They will be returned to the school if there is no one there to pick them up.  All other students will be released off the bus at the drop off.

Daycare Van

Daycare van riders will walk to the undercover area by the bus lines at the end of the day.  There will be teachers there to help direct them to the right location.  Kindergarteners will be escorted. If your child has a change in after school plans or is sent home early unexpectedly, please make sure to contact the child's daycare to alert them of the change in plans so they know whether or not to wait for your child at the end of the day.


  • Front gates to the school will open at 3:45 p.m.
  • If you are walking your child home from school, the meeting location for parent pickup is at the open area between the gym and playground.  Please do not meet your child at their classroom as it disrupts the flow of student movement at dismissal time.
  • If the student walks home without parent supervision, they should use crosswalks and wait for the Safety Patrol and Adult Patrol to cross them before entering the crosswalk.


Students riding a bicycle to school, where it is safe to do so, creates greater transportation flexibility for families, allows students to exercise greater independence, and promotes positive physical health.

There is a bike rack next to the Main Office front doors where students can lock their bikes up for the day.  We do not recommend anyone under 10 riding their bike to school.

Learn more about Biking to School in Northshore