Physical Education
Please wear appropriate shoes to PE. Wearing appropriate shoes to PE can help reduce injury when exercising.
Encouraging our youth to be physically active is more important than ever before. Increasing a child’s level of physical activity is not only important for improving their health, but recent studies also indicate that physical fitness levels are associated with academic performance, school attendance, and discipline.
FitnessGram® is the adopted assessment of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. It is a teaching tool physical educators can integrate into instruction to help students understand the connection between physical activity, fitness and health.
All 4th & 5th grade students district-wide participate in the FitnessGram assessment during Physical Education. The individual tests are the Pacer, Curl Ups, 90° Push-Ups, and the Back-Saver Sit & Reach. We ask that you encourage your child to participate with his/her best effort and to the best of their ability. The FitnessGram assessment provides a measure of good health as opposed to athletic ability.
Students are not graded on their performance. However, a confidential Student/Parent report will be sent home via email or paper copy at the end of the school year. This report will include your child’s scores and information about whether or not they achieved the FitnessGram Healthy Fitness Zone®. The Healthy Fitness Zone represents the level of fitness needed for good health.